
JAKARTA - It was reported that Dhena Devanka was angry because Jonathan Frizzy met another woman while taking her three children for a walk. Allegedly, the woman is Jonathan Frizzy's new boyfriend.

Although it was decided to divorce on 17 February, the tension in their relationship does not seem to have subsided. Ijonk believes he did nothing wrong.

"I certainly take the children to a safe place, it's impossible to go to a bad place that can harm children," said Ijonk on Monday, March 7.

Ijonk also explained that he met a female friend when he took his son for a walk. "For example, take me to the mall, right, I work in the entertainment field. I have lots of friends. Artist friends, you can be fans. So yesterday I met a fellow soap opera player. So, I was asked how are you? .

Ijonk did not want to comment too much on Dhena's statement. "Disappointed, yes, angry is normal. What was accused was not appropriate. With spices, there were a lot of fake things," he said.

As a father, Jonathan Frizzy wants to focus on parenting. Moreover, Ijonk is also currently filing an appeal against his divorce decision. "For me, the important thing is that the children are happy. The children will in time find out for themselves," he was sure.

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