
JAKARTA - Manohara Odelia Pinot turned 30 on February 28. At the turn of the age, he affirmed the religion he believed in today. Through uploads on Instagram, Manohara confirmed that he had indeed changed religion for a long time and embraced Christianity.

"Several people who claim to be family members falsely state my beliefs. I have never published my religion publicly because it is a private matter between me and God," he wrote in English, quoted Wednesday, March 2.

"I've been a Christian in recent years. It's that simple. While writing this I feel disappointed that many people think about other people's privacy. We are Indonesian citizens. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," he wrote.

The name Manohara Odelia Pinot was once a public discussion because she was married and admitted to being held captive by the Prince of Kelantan, Malaysia. At that time Manohara could not be contacted by his family and received domestic violence.

After returning to Indonesia, his name was again discussed when signaling a change of religion in 2019. At that time, a photo of Manohara appeared as if he was celebrating Christmas.

At that time, Manohara seemed to give the code that he had changed religion because he uploaded a photo of a statue with a Christmas tree background. "Santa came early this year and he brought over this beautiful piece," Manohara wrote in a November 2019 upload.

Last year, Manohana uploaded a Bible verse but did not give an official statement about her belief. "Isaiah 54:17," reads the bible verse in the upload .

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