
JAKARTA – For those of you who have a sensitive stomach, you need to be selective in choosing food. Because a sensitive stomach will easily experience problems, such as easy bloating, nausea, vomiting, constipation, ulcers, acid reflux, or diarrhea.

Food is a source of nutrition, but on the other hand can be disastrous for those with sensitive stomachs. Therefore, some foods need to be avoided, especially foods that have a sharp taste, such as the following list.

1. Spicy food

The effect of consuming spicy food will be different for each person. This depends on the condition of the digestive system. According to a registered dietitian and specialist in Clinical Nutritional Support Services at the University of Pennsylvania, Jung Kim says that spicy foods vary widely. Reported by Everydayhealth, Tuesday, March 1, if you experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea then you need to avoid spicy food.

Kim's advice, you should choose bland food when experiencing digestive problems. Also make sure to avoid spices if you are sensitive to certain spices.

2. Food contaminated with bacteria

Cleanliness of ingredients and how to process food also needs to be considered for sensitive stomachs. In general, how to process eggs, dairy products, and meat that is not right still leaves salmonella bacteria. Even E.coli bacteria can move on vegetables to fruits. So, be aware of the symptoms of food poisoning by ensuring the right way of processing and the origin of quality ingredients.

makanan yang perlu dihindari perut sensitif
Illustration of foods to avoid sensitive stomachs (Pexels/Rama Khandkar)
3. Foods that are too sweet or salty

Sensitive stomachs like easy-to-digest foods. Some people, according to Kim, may be affected by flavor enhancers such as sugar and salt. Chocolate that is too sweet, can trigger heartburn and GERD and other digestive problems. That is, choose foods with a soft taste so that the stomach is safe.

4. Dairy products

Dairy products are one of the most difficult food groups to digest. Especially the lactose content that is not digested properly will trigger an increase in gas production. The result is a full stomach and bloating. Dairy products should be avoided with sensitive stomachs, but you may want to eat lactose-free yogurt or cheese.

5. Sour food

Lemons, limes, and grapefruit are acidic. These types of foods can irritate the lining of the stomach, causing digestive problems. You also need to avoid drinking carbonated drinks that are acidic.

6. Fatty food

Fatty foods stimulate contractions in the digestive tract. The process of gastric emptying becomes slower and worsens the digestive system. This triggers more rapid movement causing diarrhea. Certain types of fat should be avoided, such as fat in red meat, butter, and cheese.

7. Processed food

According to Benjamin Krevsky, MD., MPH., director of gastrointestinal endoscopy and professor of medicine at Temple University's Lewis Katz School of Medicine, fiber foods can help with bowel movements. If you are constipated, replace simple fiber processed foods with foods that contain complex fiber.

Kim added, processed foods also often contain preservatives and artificial coloring that trigger allergies. So pay attention to the composition of food so that digestion remains healthy.

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