Signs That The Skincare Used Doesn't Match The Skin
Illustration (Kalos Skincare / Unsplash)


JAKARTA - Among the many skincare products that have appeared on the market, all of them look promising. However, not necessarily these products are suitable for your facial skin. It takes time and money of course to know which skin care products are right and which are not.

So, how do you know if a skincare product is suitable or not for your skin? Here are some common signs to watch out for.

Dry and peeling skin

The effect that often appears after using new skincare products is dry skin to peeling. This usually happens when you use a retinoid-based serum or moisturizer. If the skin reaction is dry and peeling occurs excessively, this could be a sign that the skincare you are using is not suitable.

Reddish skin

Red marks appear on the skin after using skincare? It can also mean that the skin is not compatible with one of the active ingredients in skincare. Usually, this occurs because the content of skincare products used is too harsh, causing the effect of sunburn.

Uneven skin tone

Dark spots or some areas of the skin become dark is not always a sign of skin aging. In fact, this could be a sign of inappropriate skincare. This condition usually appears as a side effect of ingredients to whiten the skin, such as kojic acid, alpha arbutin, and hydroquinone. If you experience it, stop using it immediately and then consult a doctor.

Acne appears

One of the goals of using skincare is to get rid of acne. However, if you've been using skincare for weeks and the acne doesn't go away, it's getting more and more, this is a sign that your facial treatment isn't suitable for your skin.

Acne arises due to the use of skincare, due to the non-optimal performance of skincare in removing dirt and excess sebum on your skin.

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