
Before reading, please note that this article does not teach readers to make an early suicide attempt. If you have suicidal thoughts, don't hesitate to contact the nearest psychologist and psychiatrist. Visit the first aid page for people with suicidal thoughts at

JAKARTA - Ayu Aulia is receiving treatment at the hospital after attempting suicide on Tuesday, February 22.

The family straightened out some of the rumors around Ayu Aulia. They also urge the media to write based on facts, not mere gossip. The following are the three main points that have been clarified by Ayu Aulia's family:

Zikri Daulay

Zikri Daulay has reportedly ended his relationship with Ayu Aulia. This was later said to be the reason Ayu ended her life.

“Ayu had attempted suicide because it was decided that Zikri was wrong. Ayu and Zikri's relationship has no problems to this day," said Ade, Ayu's older brother on Wednesday, February 23.

They said Zikri was looking for an empty schedule to visit Ayu because he was currently busy with shooting schedules.

Want Abortion

In addition, many suspect that Ayu Aulia wants to end the fetus in the stomach. The family again denied that Ayu was pregnant and in good health.

“Ayu was forced to have an abortion. That's false news. Ayu was still in good health before doing that not pregnant. There are no pregnancies like that," said Ade.

Weak condition

"Ayu's (Aulia) health is still weak so her friends can't visit her yet," he explained.

The family asked the public and the media not to make false news about Ayu Aulia. They try to maintain Ayu's mental state in the midst of the current difficult situation.

"One of the factors that made Ayu like this is comments from netizens when Ayu is currently trying to be better. Starting from fashion again, the process of wearing the hijab just doesn't stop netizens giving negative bullying," said Ade.

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