
JAKARTA - Nikita Willy is known to be pregnant with a boy. She is expected to go into labor in May 2022. It turns out that she has big plans for her pregnancy.

Together with her husband, Indra Priawan, Nikita Willy decided to settle in Los Angeles, United States. They will stay there until the child is born.

"Hi everyone, we have decided to stay in America to be precise in Los Angeles until we give birth," said Nikita Willy on Nikita Willy's YouTube channel quoted Monday, February 21.

Actually, Nikita Willy has not confirmed how long he will stay in Los Angeles. But she wanted her child to have a delivery there.

"Until our son (our son) is old enough and ready to return to Jakarta. But now we are still in San Francisco, we will drive to LA," said Nikita Willy.

After officially getting married on October 10, 2020, Nikita Willy had to wait almost a year to get pregnant. She and her husband Indra Priawan were really looking forward to the arrival of the little one. Even Nikita and Indra were willing to undergo a pregnancy program for two times but to no avail.

Through her personal YouTube channel, Nikita Willy said that she and her husband carried out an artificial insemination pregnancy program or another name for intrauterine insemination (IUI) at a clinic in Jakarta.

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