
JAKARTA – Various ways are taken to heal themselves from heart wounds or trauma. One of them is done by Pevita Pearce in Bali, namely by melukat. Melukat is a local tradition whose purpose is self-cleaning. The process is carried out in holy places and bathing with holy water as well.

Pevita did melukat, she reported via social media Instagram on the @pevpearce account. Many netizens commented on changing religions. Pevita clarified that the procession she did was a way of 'dealing with trauma'.

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Pevita Pearce during her melukat ritual in Bali (Instagram/@pevpearce)

Commenting on the back-and-forth comments from netizens, Pevita clarified. He wrote “Btw this is a dealing with trauma procession. No, I'm not converting. Chill."

The clarification of these facts contains an explanation that the procession carried out by Pevita is a way to make peace with the trauma she has experienced. He did not convert, he said in English sentence structure.

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Pevita Pearce during her melukat ritual in Bali (Instagram/@pevpearce)

Pevita gets support from celebrity circles. Fedi Nuril wrote, “Sorry to hear about your trauma, Pev. Hope you can overcome it."

Fedi Nuril and Pevita are frame friends in the 5 cm film. Fedi hopes that Pevita can overcome the trauma she experienced.

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Pevita Pearce during her melukat ritual in Bali (Instagram/@pevpearce)

During the melukat procession, Pevita was seen shedding tears. According to him, this is a beautiful adventure. He can do nothing but be grateful for every change that affects his mental, emotional, and spiritual state. Pevita confessed that she had received love and affection that allowed her to get through everything.

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Pevita Pearce during her melukat ritual in Bali (Instagram/@pevpearce)

Support for Pevita was also sent by a number of artists besides Fedi Nuril. Including Happy Salma who is currently domiciled in Bali.

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Pevita Pearce during her melukat ritual in Bali (Instagram/@pevpearce)

This 29-year-old artist, Pevita Pearce, has also shared several of her portraits while spending time on the Island of the Gods. Not only undergoing a self-cleansing ritual, he also enjoys the luxury of the beautiful nature of Bali with simplicity.

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