
JAKARTA - The death of Haji Abas Basri, not only left sadness for Doddy Sudrajat as a child. Mayang and Chika as grandchildren also feel the same way from the figure who is also Vanessa Angel's grandfather.

Both said they were very surprised when they heard that their grandfather had died. When they found out the news, the two of them were filling a podcast with their mother, Puput.

"I was shooting when I heard (grandfather died), I immediately wanted to go home. Yes, I didn't focus, so it was dispersed, when I opened my cellphone there was a notification, so I wanted to immediately close (podcast). Grandpa has been sick for a long time, he is sick but he can still move," said Mayang when met by VOI at the Malacca TPU, East Jakarta, February 18.

In Mayang and Chika's eyes, Haji Abas, who they usually call father, is possessive and full of sweet memories. They are treated very well and even tend to be a bit excessive.

"Don't leave your father your father's favorite grandson, father said that. Father likes to take me running in the morning, take me to school, when I had a bad boy friend, my father always said, 'Don't be naughty with my grandson,' the father who always defended me if someone was stubborn when he was little," said Mayang.

"I'm possessive. I really care if we get sick, dad is the most fussy. When you look at your room, you're already asleep," Chika said.

When asked about his father, Doddy, who was devastated by the loss of Vanessa Angel and Haji Abas, Mayang could only calm him with wise words.

"I can only say to be patient, this is a test from God, the important thing is to pray, don't leave prayer," he concluded.

Haji Abas Basri died at his residence in the Kemayoran area at 17.30 WIB at the age of 91 years. He was then buried at the Malacca TPU, East Jakarta, after previously praying at the Al-Hijrah mosque.

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