
Before reading, please note that this article does not teach readers to make an early suicide attempt. If you have suicidal thoughts, do not hesitate to contact the nearest psychologist and psychiatrist. Visit the first aid page for people with suicidal thoughts at

JAKARTA - Model Novi Amalia, is known to have died tragically in the Kalibata City Tower Raflesia Apartment area, on Wednesday, February 16 at around 05.WIB. He allegedly committed suicide by jumping from his unit on the 8th floor.

As a result of this incident, the apartment manager immediately took action to prevent something similar from happening. Increased security has now been carried out while meeting the needs of the authorities in handling these cases.

"The most improved is the patrol system, the security can no longer happen because we are not psychics. But we can anticipate with patrol hours or patrol quality, previously we were normal according to building standards," said Martiza Melati, as GM of the Kalibata City Apartment Manager, who also accompanied by Irvan AS, as GM of the Kaibata City area when VOI met at his office, Thursday, February 17.

Martiza also explained that Novi's status in her apartment is as a tenant and has been living there since 2020. In her unit she lives alone and has never received a negative report against the model whose real name is Linda Astuti.

"I represent the manager, his job is to manage. If the new residence is returned to the unit owner or someone authorized by the unit owner. The manager has absolutely nothing to do with renting," he said.

"I just found out yesterday, according to LA's initial residential data, I just found out that it's the same person (Novi Amalia) so I didn't really notice, from 2020 I don't know," he added.

When asked whether there were illegal drugs and the condition of the unit that Novi lived in, Martiza was reluctant to answer because that was the realm of the police.

"Wait for directions from the police and from the family, because we do not have the right to enter the unit, the limitation is the public area," he concluded.

The case of Novi's alleged suicide is still under investigation by the police by collecting witness statements and processing the crime scene. Allegations of acts of violence also cannot be concluded because they are still waiting for the results of the investigation by the authorities.

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