
JAKARTA - Dorce Gamalama who suffers from diabetes is now struggling to deal with his illness. He who was lying down thought that he would not live long.

Dorce also prepared his death will in which he had prepared the grave and shroud. Later, if buried, his family will know where to bury Dorce.

"The shroud is in the suitcase, everything is written. I don't want the grave to be cemented, no need to use a name, just using grass is enough. No 7 days, no 40 days, no 100 days is enough," said Dorce Gamalama, quoted from the channel. Trans7 Official.

Dorce had also mentioned who would bathe and bury him when he died.

"Who bathes? I have two daughters who wash them. Who bury them? I have a son who has a son-in-law who bury them," said Dorce firmly.

"I want the shroud to be seven layers, eight layers, I leave it to the one who takes care of it, let my family take care of it. If you want a man, you can, a woman can," he continued.

Dorce also asked to be buried as a woman but this statement elicited a response from religious leaders. They suggested that Dorce return to his nature.

“Yes as I am now. Because after my operation, I have a female genitalia. Bathe me in women's clothes, I want to be buried as a woman," said Dorce Gamalama.

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