
JAKARTA - The relationship between footballer Egy Maulana Vikri and the daughter of the late Jefri Al Buchori, Adiba Khanza is in the spotlight. Umi Pipik, as Adiba's mother, admitted that she knew about her son's romance.

Openly, Umi Pipik shared three facts about Adiba Khanza's relationship with Egy Maulana Vikri. Listen together here:

4 years

The relationship, which is rarely exposed, has been running for four years. Umi Pipik revealed this for the first time on Monday, January 31.

"It's been a long time. They've been in a relationship for four years, right," said Umi Pipik, launching the Popular Celebrity channel.

Never alone

Umi Pipik welcomed Egy Maulana Vikri's relationship with Adiba Khanza positively. He also supports as long as the two of them can obey the rules, one of which is that they are not allowed to go alone.

"I'm just warning you not to be alone. If you go there, I have to be there. I'll also eat, thank God," said Umi Pipik.

During the four years of dating, Umi Pipik always accompanied Egy Maulana Vikri and Adiba together. In addition, Adiba also spends more time at home as his lover is also busy with his career.

Wedding Plans

Not a few have asked whether the two of them already have plans to get married, but Umi Pipik said that Adiba and Egy are focusing on their respective goals.

"There has been no chat there (wedding) because they are both still preparing themselves. Getting married is not only material readiness, but also mental," replied Umi Pipik.

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