
JAKARTA – Complaining and lamenting are often done, especially when time runs out for one thing that is expected but what happens does not match reality. Sometimes, the things that are in front of the eyes are ignored, including respecting life and replaced by struggling to find out what went wrong.

To restore balance to life and reduce the burden on your head, you can do these ways to make life feel more valuable.

1. Appreciate what you have

Appreciating or appreciating what you have needs to be done every day. For example, by identifying the love of the people around you, the environment, your partner, to the beautiful scenery around the house. These things are a valuable part of your life.

2. Think about what you have accomplished

According to the advice of Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., LMFT., reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, January 27, instead of blaming yourself for shortcomings, it's better to give yourself credit for what you have achieved. No matter how small the achievements, they deserve to be remembered as an achievement.

3. Stop worrying about the future

Everyone has experienced anxiety about the future. But worrying about something that won't necessarily happen is a waste of time, right? Instead of lamenting the uncertainty of the future, it is better to organize your heart so that you remain calm and dare to face anything later.

4. Focus on the goal

Helping others can be done easily, without even expecting anything in return. But a person often has high hopes but doesn't give himself enough credit. Try to change that point of view, if you succeed in achieving a success, it means that you can achieve other success by appreciating your small efforts more.

5. Don't put yourself down

Neglecting what your body needs, such as not taking breaks when you're tired, means you don't value your body. Putting yourself down, according to Goldsmith, will only make you feel worse. That is, try to appreciate life more commensurate with the efforts that have been made.

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