JAKARTA - For married couples having sex is usually done when they want or occur spontaneously. However, for some couples sexual intercourse is carried out on a certain schedule.
"This (scheduled sex) is usually done by couples who have a busy lifestyle, face challenges in their intimate relationship, or who try to get pregnant," said psychiatrist and sexual relations expert Dr Ashish Bansal, quoted from Healthshots, on Monday, March 24, 2025.
However, scheduled sexual relations have a good and bad impact on the lives of married couples. Here are some of the good and bad effects that must be known.
1. Strengthen communication and intimacy
Scheduled sex encourages open discussions about each other's intimacy, desires, and needs. With this, communication with your partner is getting stronger as well as intimacy and emotional ties with each other.
2. Increase enthusiasm
When sex is scheduled, couples are often looking forward to this moment, thereby increasing enthusiasm. The element of waiting becomes a valuable experience and adds to pleasure and romance.
3. Increase fertility
For couples who want to have children, scheduling sexual intercourse is very useful. The schedule for sex in the women's ovulation period, so that opportunities for pregnancy are higher.
1. Loss of spontaneity
Scheduled sex can cause loss of existing spontaneity in relationships. This can lead to various sexual dysfunctions for both women and men.
Men may have problems such as erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation, while women may not be able to achieve orgasm, "said Bansal.
2. Add pressure
Scheduled sex can increase pressure for some couples. If one partner is not feeling well or not in the mood when the schedule arrives, they may feel pressured to live it. This pressure can affect sexual satisfaction and emotional relationships with a partner.
3. Feel like a routine or a task
When sex is scheduled and occurs from time to time regularly, it can finally feel like a routine or a task, compared to moments of passion and intimacy. This can reduce overall pleasure and satisfaction for your partner.
Those are some of the good and bad impacts in scheduling sexual intercourse with your partner. So, will you choose to schedule sex with your partner?
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