JAKARTA - Heart attacks can come suddenly and without a clear warning. However, the body actually often gives early signs before the attack occurs.
According to experts, there are some symptoms that usually appear in a few days or a week before a heart attack. Recognizing these signs can save lives.
Here are 4 early warning signs of a heart attack that need attention, as reported by VOI from the HuffPost page on Saturday, March 22.
Chest pain can be an early sign of a heart attack. Chest pain occurs, due to plaque buildup in the arteries that limits blood flow to the heart. According to dr. Roger Blumenthal of Johns Hopkins University, chest pain can also be caused by narrowing or seizures in the arteries around the heart.
"Thisyeri may feel like pressure, shortness of breath, or discomfort in the chest. If you experience these symptoms, immediately contact the doctor for further examination," said dr. Roger.
Many people think a heart attack is only characterized by pain in the left arm. However, early symptoms can arise as pain that radiates to the neck, shoulders, or jaw.
"Sometimes the elderly experience other symptoms that appear in the neck, shoulders, or arms," said dr. Roger.
Feeling faster tired or breathless after doing light activities can also be a warning sign. For example, if you feel tired and short of breath when doing easy activities, such as changing lights or gardening, it can be an early symptom of a heart attack.
"Pay attention if there is discomfort in the chest or numbness in the arm after carrying out heavy activities," explained dr. Roger.
According to dr. scenes from Yale Medicine, a person with stomach pain, nausea, or feeling very tired can also be a sign of a heart attack. These symptoms are often misinterpreted as common digestive disorders.
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