JAKARTA - Headaches often occur and usually not something serious. But in some cases, headaches can be a sign of more severe health problems. This headache could be a sign of a brain tumor.
Reporting from the Mirror.co.uk page on Saturday, March 22, dr. Steven Allder, a neurologist at Re: Cognition Health, United States said about 50-60% of patients with brain tumors had headaches.
Brain tumors can cause headaches for several reasons, including increased pressure in the brain due to tumor growth, direct irritation of brain tissue, blood flow disorders in the brain, blockage of brain fluids (serebrospinal liquid), which causes increased pressure and causes pain, and tumor pressure on blood vessels or nerves in the brain.
Headaches caused by brain tumors have several characteristics that distinguish them from ordinary headaches. Here are 5 signs of headaches that are a sign of brain tumors.
Unlike tense headaches or regular migraines, headaches due to brain tumors tend to get worse over time. The intensity, frequency, and duration can increase gradually.
According to Dr. Peter Abel, a senior lecturer in biomedical science at the University of Central Lancashire, sleeping in a lying position for a long time can increase pressure in the brain. This is why brain tumor sufferers often experience headaches when waking up in the morning.
If you feel a headache at only one particular point, this could be a clue for you to have a brain tumor.
Headaches due to brain tumors usually do not come alone, but also accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, changes in sight (fragitive or double views), seizures, and weakness of muscles or numbness in certain parts of the body.
Unlike ordinary headaches, headaches due to brain tumors often do not improve even though they have taken drugs such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, ortip. If headaches do not stop with ordinary drugs, this could be a sign of danger.
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