
JAKARTA - Fasting is a spiritual practice that can provide many health benefits. However, if the diet is not maintained properly, fasting can quickly cause digestive problems and cause discomfort.

Common disorders in the digestive system reported during the month of Ramadan include heart pain, reflux of stomach acid, and digestive disorders. These disorders are usually caused by sudden overeating after fasting for a long time or eating large amounts of fatty and spicy foods.

Specialists from the Gastroenterology Clinic at the Cleveland Abu Dhabi Clinic reported a sharp increase in the number of people visiting the clinic during Ramadan. Public complaints include gastroesofageal reflux disease (GERD), which is a condition in which food flows back from the stomach to the concavity, and gastritis, which is caused by inflammation of the stomach.

There are many things you can do to reduce the risk of suffering from general digestive disorders while fasting. Here, experts share their best tips, according to Cleveland Clinic, Wednesday, March 19.

Keeping the body hydrated is very important when fasting. In addition to helping to improve digestion, fasting can also help overcome other general health problems related to a long period without food, such as constipation, headaches, and back pain. Try drinking 2 to 3 liters a day, and drinking little by little over a long time, rather than spending it all at once, because this will make it easier for your body to absorb it.

Avoid soft drinks because it contains a lot of sugar and gas can cause bloating. Try to avoid caffeine too, because it is diuretic, which will make you more frequent in the bathroom, causing dehydration. Caffeine can also cause stomach cramps and diarrhea if consumed when your stomach is empty.

This can be difficult if you haven't eaten all day, but suddenly breaking your fast with a large portion of eating can cause stomach cramps and severe acid reflux, which can damage your throat for a long time. If possible, cancel your fasting with small snacks, and give your meal time between meal times.

In addition to making you feel lethargic and generally unhealthy, foods that contain a lot of fat take longer to digest. This can cause stomach pain and cause nausea.

Try to stop eating at least 2 hours before bed. This can be difficult if eating is only done at night, but sleeping with a full stomach can prevent the digestive system from working properly.

Fiber is one of the best foods for your digestive system. Fiber can help prevent bloating and constipation. However, getting enough fiber while fasting can be difficult. Choose whole food and whole seeds if possible and add nuts and pods into the food.

If you have digestive problems, always consult your doctor about the impact of any changes in your diet. It is also important to discuss adjusting your diet during Ramadan, as avoiding drugs can harm your intestines.

Although mild digestive disorders are common and usually easily treatable, always consult a doctor if you experience new symptoms or worry about fasting.

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