JAKARTA - Recently, entrepreneurs have been worried because of the request for holiday allowances (THR) from community organizations aka Ormas ahead of Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Fitr.
Head of the Employment Division of the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) Bob Azam revealed that the THR request from mass organizations to industry players did not need to be carried out with acts of thuggery. The coercion attitude carried out only had a negative impact on the business climate.
Apindo's Head of Manpower Bob Azam said that as long as there was no thuggery, giving THR to mass organizations could be done voluntarily, one of which was through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds.
"Yes, asking (THR) to be allowed, but don't force it like that. Yes, return each other's business willingness, right, there is actually CSR funds. Don't let it become an act of thuggery that leads to blocking. Don't," said Bob to reporters, written Thursday, March 20.
Bob assessed that CSR funds could be used to foster community communities around industrial business areas. For this reason, he asked that there be no coercion that led to disruptions in production activities.
However, Bob also did not deny that the thuggery situation, which often hinders production activities, could affect the business climate. Therefore, business actors ask for legal action against these individuals.
"If it is coercive and so on, right. So, we hope that the apparatus can do anything but maintain order, but also tension the law. Yes, basically those who force it must be dealt with," said Bob.
To note, some time ago netizens uploaded a number of photos of circular letters from certain mass organizations, one of which was from the Banten, Tangerang, Bekasi to Jakarta areas asking for THR Eid to industry business actors.
The tweet of the @lum***** account also uploaded at least six THR burglary letters by a number of mass organizations.
The details, there are the Betawi Men's Association, Betawi Community Association, Betawi Children's Men's Front, Bekasi Community Association, Bekasi People's Troops (LOB) and Command Headquarters.
"The following is a list of disturbing mass organizations that must be disbanded (he asked for THR in this economy)," the statement said.
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