
JAKARTA - The government noted that until November 2024, the realization of the Special Assignment Fuel (JBKP) was 27.33 million KL or 86 percent of the total quota of 31.70 million KL. Not only that, the realization volume of Certain Types of Fuel (JBT) was also recorded at 16.61 million KL or 85 percent of the quota of 19.58 million KL.

Responding to the distribution of Pertalite which has only reached 86 percent, Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Erika Retnowati said that this year's Pertalite fuel realization will certainly not reach 100 percent.

"Above 90 percent will definitely reach. But it's not up to 100 percent," Erika told the media crew quoted on Saturday, December 14.

Erika said that Pertalite's realization, which was recorded at 83 percent, was not due to reduced distribution, but because of the tightened distribution coverage by the government.

Moreover, he said, currently the purchase of Solar and Pertalite has started using the QR Code via MyPertamina.

"Now all of them are Solar, then also Pertalile has used a QR Code. So then the consumption has decreased a bit," continued Erika.

The quota for subsidized fuel for 2025 for certain types of diesel fuel (JBT) for 2025 is set at 18.8 million kiloliters (KL).

The Pertalite Special Assignment Type of Fuel Quota (JBKP) for next year is set by the State Budget at 31.2 million KL. This quota decreases slightly compared to 2024 which is set at 31.6 million KL.

On the other hand, in 2025 the government plans to implement a new scheme of subsidized fuel distribution to eligible communities. However, Erika ensures that her party still opens up the possibility of changing the amount of fuel quota when the scheme begins.

"We will take into account the decision of the subsidy scheme later. It could be (there is a change in the quota), because every three months we evaluate it," said Erika.

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