JAKARTA - PT PP (Persero) Tbk, one of the construction companies in Indonesia (PTPP) also supports infrastructure development as an effort to reduce logistics costs. One of these infrastructure developments is in the Probolinggo Banyuwangi Package 3 Toll Project which is currently being worked on by PTPP.
The construction of this toll road will have an impact on faster and more efficient travel time and distance, where this benefit will increase national competitiveness and encourage Indonesia's economic growth.
The Probolinggo Banyuwangi Toll Road Package 3 project is located in Probolinggo and Situbondo Regencies, which are projects with a joint operation (JO) type with a portion of PTPP as the leader of the implementing contractor (50 percent). This project has a contract value with a portion of PTPP of Rp1.99 trillion, has a road length of 25.6 KM (STA 20+200 sd STA 45+800), and an implementation period from November 2023 to December 2025.
As of December 2024, the realization of project progress has reached 56.11 percent. The benefits of building this toll road are inter-city travel time in the Horse Tapal Province which includes parts of the east of Pasuruan Regency, Probolinggo Regency, Probolinggo City, Lumajang Regency, Jember Regency, Situbondo Regency, Bondowoso Regency, and Banyuwangi Regency.
The distance that usually uses existing roads (non-toll roads) reaches 2 hours of travel, can be cut to 45 minutes of travel time if using toll roads. This allows mobility between regions to be more efficient and has an impact on people, businesses, and tourists.
PTPP President Director Novel Arsyad said that his party will continue to support and ensure the quality of infrastructure development in accordance with targets and standards, so that it will benefit the community and increase regional competitiveness.
"With the construction of the Probolinggo Banyuwangi Toll Road Project which has benefits in shortening travel time, where this will have an impact on increasing the competitiveness of the Horseshoe Province, of course PTPP as the contractor of the Probolinggo Banyuwangi Toll Road Package 3 will ensure the quality of infrastructure development," said Novel, Friday, December 13.
In addition, Novel also conveyed PTPP's commitment to completing the work of this Toll Road Project, because it can create multiple effects that can support the national economy.
"Access that is fast and smooth can reduce logistics costs so that it will attract more business opportunities, from business opportunities, of course, it can help create a more conducive environment for the development of industrial, agricultural and other economic sectors, so that infrastructure development that has a large positive impact on the Indonesian people will continue to be focused," concluded Novel.
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