JAKARTA - Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Maman Abdurrahman revealed that his party will form an MSME holding in the near future.
Maman said, one of the goals of establishing this holding is to build a connectivity between MSMEs and large industries.
One of the sectors included in this holding is the electric motor sector.
"For example, in the automotive world, it is extraordinary that the big industry and MSMEs have become a unit of a mutually supportive ecosystem," said Maman, Tuesday, December 10.
In this automotive sector, said Maman, a supply chain has been built between UUMKM which provides spare parts and large companies.
He hopes that the success that occurred in the automotive sector will also occur in other strategic sectors so that the MSME business can grow rapidly.
"We want car production, the supply of seats, all kinds of things empowering MSME company friends. We want to replicate it in other sectors," he continued.
Not only the automotive sector and electric motors, Maman ensured that his ministry would involve the agriculture, food and beverage sectors, merchandise and many more.
With this holding, continued Maman, the Ministry of MSMEs will consolidate at least 2,000 to 3,000 MSMEs in one sector and will be given training from thap production to facilitate access to financing.
Maman also said that this holding would be different from the previously existing clustering concept.
The reason is, this holding will directly connect MSMEs with supply chains.
"He's not separated, because I'm sure that if he's separated, he's just like yesterday," said Maman.
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