JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded that until December 6, 2024, the implementation of Trade Through the Electronic System (PMSE) or online traders that had been registered reached 136, while the registered PMSE organizers who already had 126 SIUPMSE.
Director of the Expenditure Balance of the Central Statistics Agency Pipit Helly Sorayan said that Traders Through Electronic Systems (PMSE) are required to report data and information. However, of the number that has reported to BPS, there are several perpetrators who do not yet have SIUP PMSE.
"That the achievement of data at PMSE in 2024, which has filled out registration to BPS 136, there are 122 who already have SIUP PMSE," he said in the Socialization of PMSE Data and Information Submission, Tuesday, December 10.
Meanwhile, the policy is contained in BPS Regulation Number 4 of 2023 concerning Submission and Management of Data and/or Trade Information Through Electronic Systems. Where this rule is a derivative of Government Regulation Number 80 of 2019 concerning Trade Through Electronic Systems (PMSE).
Pipit said the development of data collection from the first quarter to the fourth quarter was quite positive. As for the first and second quarters, 86 companies submitted data, while in the third and fourth quarters the number increased to 137 companies.
"However, only 61 companies have submitted their data to BPS in the fourth quarter, so there are still 76 companies that have registered but have not submitted their data to BPS," he said.
Pipit hopes that not only 136 companies are registered, but also 442 companies that already have SIUP PMSE and are registered with the Ministry of Trade can immediately submit their data to BPS.
According to Pipit, this is a priority in an effort to encourage PMSE players who have not submitted data to do so immediately, in order to support government policy making which relies heavily on accurate and relevant data availability.
"We both know that our current government is very concerned about the availability of data and of course it is very relevant to policy making which may later be in line with what is needed by the government," he said.
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