
JAKARTA - Bali will have a 96.84 kilometer (km) toll road that costs up to IDR 25.40 trillion. Quoting documents from the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT), the Gilimanuk 'Menwi Toll Road project is now in the prequalification stage.

"The estimated investment value is IDR 25.404 trillion," explained the BPJT document quoted on Monday, December 9.

The scope of the project includes funding, technical planning, operation, maintenance for all toll roads and construction of the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) portion.

"The form of cooperation is planned in the form of construction support at the Soka' Mengwi Section," he explained.

The qualification process will be carried out electronically (online) until Monday, February 3, 2025.

All business entities, both single and consortium-shaped enterprises, are allowed to register. Prequalification registration can only be done by the President Director of the Company or the party authorized by the President Director by attaching a Power of Attorney.

Those who download documents must include a copy or copy of their identity (KTP/SIM/Passport). The entire prequalification process is free of charge.

It is known, the re-auction of the Gilimanuk 'Menwi' Toll Road failed because the initial initiator failed to receive funding or investors to carry out construction.

In fact, the groundbreaking or groundbreaking of the toll road was carried out on September 10, 2022.

According to the plan, this toll road will be built across three districts, 13 sub-districts and 58 villages. The construction of this toll road is divided into three sections. In detail, Section 1 Gilimanuk "Pekutuan along 53.6 kilometers (km), Section 2 Pekutatan Soka along 24.3 km and Section 3 Soka Wi along 18.9 km.

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