
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance recorded the realization of state spending until October 2023 of Rp2,240.8 trillion or only 73.2 percent of the ceiling.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that this realization consisted of central government spending (BPP) and also transfers to the regions (TKD).

Meanwhile, the realization of BPP amounted to Rp1,572.2 trillion or 69.99 percent of the ceiling or contracted 5.94 percent (yoy).

The realization consists of ministry/institution (K/L) spending of Rp. 768.7 trillion or 76.8 percent of the ceiling, an increase of 1.93 percent (yoy).

"This K/L spending has been seen starting from spending on the implementation of elections, implementing IKN development, accelerating the completion of priority infrastructure, and distributing various social assistance," Sri Mulyani said at a press conference, Friday, November 24.

Then, the realization of non-K/L BPP amounted to Rp803.55 trillion or 64.5 percent of the ceiling or decreased by 12.40 percent (yoy). This realization is channeled to subsidies and compensation (BBM and electricity), pre-work card programs, and fertilizer subsidies.

Sri Mulyani added, for the realization of TKD until October 2023, it was Rp. 668.5 trillion, or 82.06 percent of the ceiling. However, this realization decreased by 1.57 percent compared to the same period last year.

Based on the realization of state revenues and expenditures, the state budget deficit is IDR 700 billion or 0.003 percent of GDP and the primary balance is a surplus of IDR 365.37 trillion. Meanwhile, the realization of budget financing reached IDR 168.51 trillion or 28.17 percent of the target.

The realization of state revenue reached 90.95 percent of the target.

This achievement consists of the realization of tax revenues of Rp1,744.55 trillion, or 86.31 percent of the target or growth of 2.49 percent (yoy).

The realization consists of tax revenues reaching Rp1,523.70 trillion, or 88.69 percent of the target, or growing 5.33 percent (yoy) and customs and excise revenues of Rp220.85 trillion, or 72.84 percent of the target, or contracting 13.60 percent (yoy).

Meanwhile, the realization of non-tax state revenues reached Rp494.18 trillion, or 111.96 percent of the target or grew 3.72 percent (yoy).

The realization of grant receipts of Rp1.37 trillion grew 124.15 percent (yoy).

Sri Mulyani said the government would continue to disburse the budget in the last two months of this year.

This is done to see the realization in all the allocations that already have a ceiling in the APBN.

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