
The Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) will launch a Nusantara Regionally and Locally Determined Contribution (RLDC) document at an international event, namely the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023 or COP28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, next week.

Related to this, OIKN Head Bambang Susantono expressed his gratitude to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for helping Indonesia in compiling documents on handling climate change.

"I would like to thank the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which since the beginning of the formation of IKN Nusantara, has reached out, especially for the creation of RLDC. This institution helps us both directly and indirectly," said Bambang in an online press conference in Jakarta, Friday, November 24.

"(In this report discussed) adaptation, mitigation, climate proof, and so on," he added.

Bambang said, Nusantara is the first city in Indonesia to have RLDC documents.

"I think this is an important milestone, quite history, not only for the archipelago but also for Indonesia, that how we will later overcome various problems that may arise in terms of climate change," he said.

He added that this report is expected so that Nusantara will not only provide models for cities in Indonesia, but also contribute to the world in global action against climate change.

"This is important because we always want to align our programs with global campaigns related to climate change management as one we want to do in the future," he added.

The Nusantara RLDC is a document that can continue to be updated according to the development of technology and new approaches in the world.

RLDC is a version of a National Determined Contribution at the local level which contains roadmaps for IKN Nusantara which will later achieve several climate change-related targets.

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