
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) targets the Lau Simeme Dam in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), to be completed in the first semester of 2024.

Until now, the progress of the construction of the Lau Simeme Dam itself has reached 78.5 percent.

"Management of water resources and irrigation continues in order to support sustainable agricultural production," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in a written statement, quoted Monday, November 19.

Basuki said the presence of the dam also has the potential for raw water, energy, flood control, and tourism that will grow the local economy.

Lau Simeme Dam itself has a capacity of 21.07 million cubic meters and was built to support the fulfillment of raw water needs in Medan City and Deli Serdang Regency of 3,000 liters per second.

As one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) set by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), the Lau Simeme Dam began working in 2017 at a cost of around Rp. 1.65 trillion.

It is known, the Lau Simeme Dam is designed with a zonal type of rock pile which has a height of 69.50 m from the river, a peak length of 205 m, with an inundation area of 125.84 ha.

The construction of the Lau Simeme Dam was built through four work packages, namely Package 1 by contractor PT Wijaya Karya-PT Bumi Karsa (KSO) covering the entrance, excavation of dam materials, and pile of dams.

Then, Package 2 was carried out by contractor PT Pembangunan Perumahan-PT Andesmont Sakti (KSO) covering the work of evader tunnels, delegation buildings, and pick-up buildings.

Then, Package 1 Furthermore, PT Wijaya Karya-PT Bumi Karsa includes inspection road work, instrumentation, OP support, clearing inundation areas.

The follow-up Package 2 is carried out by PT Pembangunan Perumahan-PT Andesmont including roadwork and intake bridges, mediation, spillways, slope protection, intake, hydromechanicals, fasum.

"The presence of this dam is also expected to provide benefits as flood control infrastructure in Medan City and Deli Serdang Regency by reducing the swift flow of upstream water from the Percut River and Deli River during the rainy season by 86 cubic meters per second," said Basuki.

In addition, the presence of dams can also provide benefits as a power plant source of 1.00 MW and support the tourism sector in North Sumatra Province which will grow the local economy.

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