
JAKARTA - The Oldest University outside Java, Andalas University (Unand) continues to strengthen the research field, one of which is by building a central laboratory. The laboratory is worth Rp209 billion.

The Chancellor of Andalas University (Unand) West Sumatra, Prof. Yuliandri, said this was for considering commitments. "As well as the orientation of achieving Unand's program as a research university, which requires the support of research facilities," said Unand Chancellor Prof. Yuliandri in Padang quoting Antara.

This was conveyed by the Chancellor of Unand, Prof. Yuliandri, after the inauguration of the central laboratory on campus which was established on September 13, 1956.

The construction of the laboratory was also motivated by previous facilities that were still very limited in terms of equipment, and had not adjusted the need for research by lecturers and students.

In the future, the construction of the central laboratory, which is supported by the latest equipment, is expected to support the research of academics and students.

"Alhamdulillah, for the support of the Director General of Research and Technology and the Director of Resources of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the proposal for the construction of a central laboratory with a multi-year budget pattern is approved for 2022 and 2023," he said.

Before obtaining development approval, the state university, which was inaugurated by Vice President Mohammad Hatta, first underwent a strict selection by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and the Ministry of Finance.

He said the source of financing for the central laboratory development was from State Sharia Securities (SBSN), which is a form of government financing innovation mechanism in the APBN.

The financing policy is mainly for the provision of infrastructure in various sectors including higher education development and support programs. The laboratory was built on an area of 1.2 Hectares (Ha) with the allocation of education laboratories (base chemistry, basic biology and basic physics).

It will then function as a research laboratory (chemical and physical predictions, chemical and physical analysis, biological preparation, biological analysis, chemical and optical testing).

Meanwhile, the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. Nizam, appreciated Unand's consistency, which for the last few years has focused on research and research.

Most recently, the research conducted by Unand in collaboration with one of the companies in the country, won an ink procurement tender for the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). About 60 percent nationally, the university will supply election ink supplies.

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