JAKARTA - PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BBTN) gelar BTN Jakarta Run 2023 pada Minggu, 12 November 2023. Tercatat sebanyak 12,600 runners mengikuti ajang lari marathon tingkat internasional tersebut dalam empat kategori yakni marathon (42K), half marathon (21K), 10K dan Fun Run (5K).
President Director of Bank BTN Nixon LP Napitupulu said that the BTN Jakarta Run 2023 event received high enthusiasm from the public not only from the national but also internationally.
"We are very grateful that the BTN Jakarta Run 2023 event has been successfully held and received extraordinary enthusiasm from the community. The participants are not only from local but also international," said Nixon after BTN Jakarta Run 2023, Sunday, November 12.
Nixon said that Bank BTN collaborated with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to hold this event to introduce various products belonging to the company, especially the BTN Mobile application. In addition, BTN Jakarta Run 2023 was also carried out as the 496th series of DKI Jakarta Anniversary.
According to Nixon BTN Jakarta Run 2023 is the new face of the international marathon event which was held to support Sport Tourism in Jakarta.
In addition, Bank BTN also appreciates the steps taken by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government which has obtained a copyright license for the Jakarta International Marathon.
"BTN Jakarta Run is here as the new face of the international marathon event in Jakarta. I hope this activity can also be held next year as the Jakarta International Marathon license has been obtained. And Bank BTN is ready to support the Jakarta International Marathon next year," he said.
Nixon added that the success of BTN Jakarta Run 2023 cannot be separated from the support of the DKI Provincial Government and all relevant parties including Polda Metro and Dishub regarding road security, in addition to the enthusiasm of the people who are running sports lovers. For this reason, Bank BTN is ready to become a partner of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government for the Jakarta International Marathon.
"Moreover, this sporting event also provides positive economic and social benefits and impacts for the community, and can boost tourism visits to Jakarta," he explained.
Meanwhile, Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono admitted that he was very happy that the 2023 BTN Jakarta Run event could be held in Jakarta. Events like this should be held mostly in the capital city of Jakarta.
Heru said that for next year this event will change its name to the Jakarta International Marathon. "Yes, happy, Jakarta should be crowded, economic so that all MSMEs will run. Running events like this really need more to be held in Jakarta. Let's celebrate Jakarta," he said.
Meanwhile, BTN Jakarta Run 2023 activities also received appreciation from the participants, one of which was Ahmad Jalaluddin Rumi or commonly known as El Rumi. "I am very happy to be able to participate in the 5K category, it is really fun, the participants are also very crowded. Next year I will definitely join again," he explained.
Another participant who is also a celebrity, Ussy Sulistiawaty, said that the Jakarta Run BTN activity was very exciting and this was the first time he participated in this activity.
"Because starting to run is also new, I am in the 10K category and this is really fun," said Ussy.
According to Ussy, the conditions of the streets during the activity were very smooth and appreciated the BTN Jakarta Run event to continue to be held next year.
"Road conditions are also good to clear, many are closed, there are a lot of people who join. Hopefully this activity will exist every year," he said.
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