
The Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi revealed that he would replicate or duplication the Cirata Floating PLTS in several locations in Indonesia. Yudo assessed that Indonesia's resources are large enough to implement what PLN Nusantara Power and Masdar have done in making PLTS Floating.

"What we need to do next is replicate this (Floating PLTS) and we will scal up with so much potential for reservoirs in Indonesia, considering that the government has recently been actively building reservoirs and dams," said Yudo, quoted on Saturday, November 11.

It is noted that the potential for PLTS to float on lakes and other dams in Indonesia reaches 89.36 GW in 295 locations. Of the total potential for Floating PLTS, it consists of PLTS floating in a lake of 74.67 GW in 36 locations and PLTS floating in a dam of 14.7 GW in 259 locations. In the next few years, added Yudo, there will be two Floating PLTS that will also operate, namely PLTS Terapung Saguling and Singkarak. "The closest one is now in Saguling, the first dam cascade is the Citarum river, and the other is Singkarak, that's the closest," he explained.

Based on the Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) of PT. PLN (Persero) 2021-2030, the Floating Saguling PLTS in West Java will have a capacity of 60 MW, while the Singkarak Floating PTLS in West Sumatra has a capacity of 48 MW. In addition, based on the RUPTL there will also be five Floating PLTS to be built until 2030, namely in the Central Java Wonogiri Reservoir of 100 MW, East Java Sutami Reservoir of 122 MW, West Java Jatiluhur Reservoir of 100 MW, 25 MW West Java Mrica Reservoir, and Wonorejo Reservoir of East Java 122 MW.

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