
JAKARTA - In today's state-of-the-art era, it has had a huge impact on the money transfer process. Currently, money transfers are needed by a person, both local and sending money abroad quickly.

With the Transfez application sending money abroad, you can make it easier to send money either locally or send money abroad.

Before the development of the times, in the past when a person wanted to send money abroad or local transfers had to queue up to a certain counter. This is a traditional way to send money that people used to do.

With the current globalization era, where everyone lives on an all-dependent basis and wants to be easy and fast. So with the presence of applications such as Transfez which is an application made in Indonesia that can help people to send money abroad quickly.

Not only fast, with the Transfez application sending money abroad it becomes more effective because it is integrated by the system and can cover internationally. So there is no need to worry in terms of the system or the reach of this application.

The advantage of using this application is the same as using digital products that are engaged in the financial sector. This application provides benefits to users to make transactions abroad. Maybe you still need a reason why you should use this application.

1. Easy and Fast

One of the reasons why you have to use this application to send money abroad is that usage is easier and faster. This application appears with a simple design and doesn't confuse users to make it easier for users to operate this application.

You can also send money anywhere so quickly, which is only one click. The process also does not take hours until the money is sent, therefore Transfez is starting to be in great demand because it is easy and fast in the process.

2. Save costs

Furthermore, the second reason you can get from this application is that you can save money. Many people already know that sending money abroad has a very different price compared to domestic or local transfer shipments.

The good news is that using this Transfez application you can carry out the process of sending money abroad can run quickly and the costs are relatively the same. No matter how much you can make transactions at a fixed cost. This is one of the advantages of Transfez.

3. Transparent and Affordable Systems

The third reason is that the delivery through the Transfez application is transparent. Users can find out in detail the transfer through the application. Information from this application will be displayed in detail so that users do not feel confused when using it.

Recording or history after you send will certainly be attached properly. In addition, this transparent financial delivery system, the price of the transfer process is still relatively affordable so that it can make it easier for you when making transactions abroad.

4. Safe system

Money is the most sensitive thing in a modern era. It is undeniable that everyone wants to make safe money transfer transactions. The system from the Transfez Application already uses sustainable level security so that transactions will run safely.

In terms of the security system from transfez it is proven good. As well as in terms of license and legality, Transfez has received direct supervision from Bank Indonesia's lemma. So every transaction activity or remittance abroad through this application is very safe and good.

5. Easy to Check the exchange rate

The exchange rate is between the currencies of each country, which used to be debated was an obstacle when it wanted to send money outside the country. But now with the Transfez application everything can be handled properly because there is no need to check the exchange rate.

Through this Transfez application, it will be very fast and easy. Because there are features like the Rite Reminder' which can be activated automatically so that the exchange rate or conversion of the value of the currency is directly seen by the user before sending the money.

6. Real Time Monitoring

The last reason is because Transfez is an application, then you can monitor transactions in real time or directly. Monitoring is very important to avoid suspicious transfers. Therefore Transfez presents a feature like this.

Not only features from real time, Transfez presents various menus that are quite interesting to help users such as Help. Through this menu, users can ask questions and can ask Transfez for help regarding confusion when using this application.

Today, many people have done the need for money transactions from time to time which has an impact on transfers to various countries. This makes a lot of shopping activities result in transfers abroad.

1. Double-check Destination Account Number

When you want to send money abroad, you have to try to find the exact account number you want to go to. This is very important because transfers take place from within the country. If an error occurs in writing down the number will have an impact in the transfer process.

2. Using Trusted Services

Wanting to send money abroad is not as easy as local transfers. Many ordinary people often mention Remittance, where someone needs to do it carefully. Of course someone must choose a reliable and precise Remittance service.

Indonesia has several options for users to choose in making transfers abroad. You must ensure that providers from the service are able to provide the best in managing and when transferring abroad.

3. Financial Trace Record Record Recorded Rapi

Next you have to make sure the track record of the process when your transaction is well stored. Usually, every user who completes sending money will appear information from the Remittance service in the form of a track record.

You also have to be on guard to always keep it well because this is very important. The function of the track record itself is to create and ensure that transactions run lancerly and safely.

4. Pay attention to costs

Many of the users forget to pay attention to the transfer fee so that when you are confused when the money has been sent. Better before you make a remittance from local to overseas you have to pay attention to the transfer fee.

From this transfer fee it is very important, therefore you must pay attention in detail. The basis is that each Remittance service provider offers a different price. Therefore you must be smart in choosing services to be profitable.

5. Pay Attention to the exchange rate from each country

You need to know the exchange rate or the difference between currency values in each country. This is an outside-neger-based shipment which is certainly not the same between countries. The currency in Indonesia is also certainly different from the number you will send.

In this delivery, the thing that someone needs to pay attention to in looking at currency exchange rates is always try to check it before you send money, especially in terms of time and cost so that the person you are going to send does not feel disappointed.

6. Pay attention to time

Furthermore, in making transactions abroad, you need to pay attention to the transfer time. When you send money abroad in real time, of course, it is different from domestically because of differences in terms of time.

Every country has an interim difference that usually causes transactions that have not been properly sent. Therefore, it must be of concern to you when making transfers abroad.

After getting to know far from this application, it is very less if you don't know how to use it. Transfers or sending money through this application are much easier and faster. Here is a way to use the transfez application to send money abroad.

1. Please visit the official website from transfez2. If using your cellphone you can download the Transfez.3 application. Then register the account and verify the account 4. If you have entered the application, select the exchange rate information and others 5. After that, enter the data on the recipient of the money that has been registered6. Then prepare the nominal you want to send 7. After that, press send it when correct and the process of transferring is complete

In today's globalization era, many people can send money abroad quickly and easily and even now it can be done through applications. For example, with Transfez, the process of sending money abroad can run easily and quickly.

1. Have App Access 24/7

With access to the application, of course, it is not the same as a person visiting a counter for service providers or remittance services abroad. By using the application you can carry out the transaction process at any time and anywhere. Likewise when you want to send money abroad.

All transaction processes can be done simply through cellphones from home. This can make it easier for you when you want to send abroad. With now many of the apps can access 24/7.

2. Clear and easy-to-understand Information

When sending money, of course, someone needs clear and detailed information. This can only be done if the system has complete data. For example with Transfez, offering to send money abroad with complete features.

This makes it easier for users to see and pay attention to each user to interact in the application in detail. This is very helpful for users when they want to know whether the money that has been transferred by the user has arrived or has not arrived.

That's information about Transfez sending money abroad to be faster and easier. In the past, many people were confused when they wanted to send money abroad. However, now an application like Transfez has been present to help you send money abroad. Also check the latest information and updates from Transfez on the Transfez Blog page.

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