
JAKARTA - Indonesia has announced that it will meet a maximum net zero emissions by 2060, starting with increasing the target of reducing emissions to 31.89 percent in 2030.

In order to support this, Yili Indonesia as part of Yili Group, a global company with a commitment to achieve zero net emissions in 2050, took an active role as part of the Net Zero Carbon program implemented by BPOM RI on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at the Mangrove Angke Kapuk Nature Tourism Park, North Jakarta.

President Director Yili Indonesia Dairy, Yu Miao said, this program is Yili Group's effort to participate in the zero net carbon program which is part of the company's vision and mission. A total of 150 mangrove trees were planted in this program. Yili's involvement in mangrove planting in Indonesia was the first time it was done.

"However, previously we have also participated in coral reef conservation in NTT for the last G-20 event. Of course Yili's commitment to programs related to environmental sustainability does not only stop here and will continue," he said in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, November 1.

Indonesia is a maritime country that has 17 thousand large and small islands with a coastline of 81,000 km which can become a mangrove forest growing area. Mangrove forests are a barrier to maintaining the coastline of erosion which in serious conditions can become a natural disaster. Indonesia has around 3.5 million hectares of mangrove forests or about 23 percent of the world's total with 92 mangrove species that make mangrove forests in Indonesia the most diverse.

In the mangrove planting event at Taman Wisata Alam, Angke, North Jakarta, Penny Kusumastuti Lukito, MCP KaBan BPOM stated that the Mangrove planting program for the Net Zero Carbon program was 16,000 trees and multiyears for 5 years. In the five years, it is targeted that 47,500 Mangrove trees are planted with a carbon absorption target of 1,398 tons of CO2 each year.

Penny also added that although BPOM is not an institution that is directly related to the environment, this program is an effort as a community that takes the initiative to be real involved to restore sustainability from earth.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Food and Beverage Producers (GAPMMI), Adhi S. Lukman said, as perpetrators who are involved in the food and beverage industry, many raw materials come from nature.

"This is one of our efforts to be able to contribute to efforts to protect the environment. The collaboration between BPOM, GAPMMI, and Yili Indonesia Dairy in this mangrove planting program is one of the efforts to protect the environment and nature. If managed and empowered properly, mangrove forests can also be one of the livelihoods for the community, for example with an ecotourism program which will certainly have an impact on the economic conditions of the surrounding community," explained Adhi.

On April 8, 2022, Yili's "Future Plan for Zero Carbon Yili Group" and "Meta Jalan Rencana Masa Depan Nol Carbon Yili Group" was officially released. Yili became the first company in the Chinese food industry to publish dual carbon goals and roadmaps, globally Yili became the first Chinese food company to have carbon emissions targets and carbon neutrality as well as a long-term commitment roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality across the industrial chain by 2050.

Since then, Yili has gradually released a carbon reduction plan and is working with partners across the industrial chain to reduce energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the environment. Last year, Yili began focusing on saving water in its production activities. In March 2023, Yili received international water footprint certification thanks to the company's efforts to reduce water use, both for production and operations. Yili is also the first company in China to join the UN Water Action Agenda.

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