Types Of Product Promotion And Examples, Business Actors Must Know!
Product promotion illustration (Photo: Pixabay/R-region)


YOGYAKARTA Types of product promotion are very important to know by business actors. In the midst of tight business competition, business actors are required to be creative in order to attract potential consumers through a series of good product marketing strategies.

Well, in this article VOI has summarized a number of information related to the types of product promotions that can be practiced to raise sales.

However, before discussing more deeply about the types of product promotions, it's a good idea to get acquainted with what promotions are. Come on, read the following reviews until the end.

According to Investopedia, promotion is an effort to increase sales of products or services that are usually done through advertisements or discounts.

Promotion of products can be done through various platforms such as social media, chat applications, to traditional media such as newspapers, brochures, to promotions at retail stores.

Business actors need to promote to increase their business affordability, as well as introduce new products to consumers.

In addition, through promotion, business actors can also develop brand images, provide clear ifnormation to consumers, highlight product advantages, and turn potential buyers into loyal consumers.

Types Of Product Promotion

The following are the types of product promotions that business actors need to know:

This is information about the types of product promotion that business actors need to know. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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