
RIAU - PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) supports the achievement of the target of 1 million barrels of oil per day (BOPD) by implementing digital transformation, one of which is building a Digital & Innovation Center (DICE).

"It is undeniable that the oil and gas industry currently faces many challenges, but with the help of technology both in terms of technical and IT, we strive to provide the best results in order to meet the oil and gas production targets and meet national energy needs," said PHR Corporate Secretary Rudi Ariffianto as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 25.

It is known that PHR is a company that acts as an operator in the management of the Rokan Working Area (WK) from August 9, 2021 to August 8, 2041.

The production from WK Rokan reflects a quarter of Indonesia's crude oil production and a third of Pertamina's total production, which is 100 percent of the proceeds from Pertamina's refinery.

"The Rokan Working Area is the largest oil and gas field with an area of about 6,200 square kilometers, where the condition of the equipment must be maintained reliably. Therefore, digital transformation is one of the keys to maintaining production and operational efficiency in this WK," said Rudi.

On the same occasion, IT Vice President PHR Triatmojo Rosewanto said that digital transformation is very important and has a significant role in increasing production in the PHR working area.

According to him, the digital transformation of the oil and gas industry sector is part of Indonesia's strategy, namely Indonesian Oil and Gas (IOG) 4.0 which is being carried out.

He said the digitization of the oil and gas industry allows all major oil and gas operations to be integrated and monitored through a centralized system. Various activities monitored include drilling, monitoring of shipments, lifting, inventory to production operations.

"This is what initiated us to build DIE PT PHR," said Tri.

DIE, he continued, was built to accelerate decision making by management so that management can get complete, accurate, and reliable information. Thus, the decision taken is the best decision for the company.

Tri revealed that one of the advantages of the DIE control room which won the record for the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) in 2022 was that it was able to provide various kinds of production data and project plans every day. In addition, CEE can also monitor all drilling activities in oil wells in the Rokan WK.

"The current PHR already has a complete system from end to end, starting from data collection in the field. Then analyze the existing data, then integrate other data, so the accuracy of the data in the CIE command center can be said to be quite good plus the support of friends in the field who are always consistent in inputting stored data on servers that have technological sophistication," he said.

In addition, to monitor the safety of jobs in the field, DIE also has a digital solution, namely CCTV ICE solutions and CCTV intelligence.

The digital solution is built using a system that can help automatically detect the safety of workers.

"ICE CCTV can automatically detect whether workers in the field use complete personal protective equipment (PPE) or not so that if there are incomplete employees using PPE while in the field, the alarm will automatically sound command center so that we can follow up quickly," said Tri.

He assessed that the digital implementation was able to be carried out because of the governance of digital transformation by looking at the needs of each division in PHR.

"Thus, we have a digital plan and digital solution that can help each division meet the target," he said.

He hopes that his party, with the implementation of digital transformation, will be able to improve performance in order to support Indonesia's energy security.

"The entire digital transformation process carried out by PHR is really directed at energy security," he said.

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