JAKARTA - PT PertaLife Insurance (Pertalife Insurance) conducts financial literacy at Pertamina University in order to enliven the month of inclusion.
President Director of PertaLife Insurance, Hanindidio W. Hadi explained, the understanding of the younger generation towards finance even though it has grown better, but it is felt that they still need to know how to make decisions and manage finances.
"Through financial literacy, I hope that students' understanding of finance will grow better. Thus, students can know how to manage good money, so they will be wise in making financial decisions, and understand the various risks." said Hanindino in his presentation, Tuesday, October 24.
Raising the theme 'Risk Mitigation to Maintain Financial Stability', Hanindio said Pertalife Insurance is committed to becoming a well-performing company, by always identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and mitigating risks.
"One way the company mitigates risk is by diverting risk. To protect this risk, insurance companies also carry out risk mitigation by sharing risks with reinsurance companies, if one day there is a claim of risk outside the Risk Tolerance Limit (BTR) of insurance companies," explained Hanindi.
He hopes that, especially students from Pertamina University, in addition to being educated about financial management and understanding the various risks, can be more critical and wise in managing finances and choosing a healthy financial company.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Pertamina University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir, appreciated PertaLife Insurance for providing new knowledge about financial service industry services that can be accessed, especially Pertalife Insurance products and services.
"This is an important step in providing understanding to students as an effort to increase financial literacy and inclusion, thus the younger generation will be able to play a big role in economic growth," explained Wawan.
As a life insurance company that has existed for 38 years, PertaLife Insurance always actively participates in insurance and financial literacy in Indonesian society, as required by the Financial Services Authority.
Throughout 2023, financial literacy and inclusion have been carried out by Pertalife in Bali, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang, Batam, Indramayu and Cilacap.
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