
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is seeking regulations regarding the prohibition and restriction (laltas) of imported goods to be completed this month.

This was stated by the Director General of Agro Industry as well as the Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry Putu Juli Ardika when met by reporters at the Ministry of Industry Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 16.

"The import paper is already in the discussion stage to resolve it. It seems that this month (it will be completed)," said Putu.

Putu admitted that the discussion of foreign imports was entirely the responsibility of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Resilience, Region, and International Industrial Access (KPAII) of the Ministry of Industry.

So, he could not reveal in more detail when the rules were implemented.

According to Putu, the regulation could be completed this Sunday, but with a note that the discussion has been completed at the Echelon I level of the Ministry of Industry.

"(The rules) can be completed this week, depending on later if it can be completed at the Echelon I level, yes, it can be fast, but if you have to go to the escalation there must be another ministerial meeting," he concluded.

For your information, the Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said that controlling imports in Indonesia does face many challenges, ranging from the large number of imported products entering without inspection by SNI in the customs area (border), weak supervision including in bounded areas, to weak import trading systems because they are not based on industrial data to rampant illegal imports.

Minister of Industry Agus also mentioned the involvement of the mafia in efforts to control illegal imports.

"The problem of controlling imports is indeed complex. It is even more complex if in the implementation in the field we face strong forces. Strong groups or mafias," he said some time ago.

Therefore, Agus emphasized the need for synergy and good collaboration between all relevant stakeholders.

He said collaboration in tightening imports was needed so that domestic industries would not be affected, so there would be no termination of employment (PHK) in the manufacturing industry.

As the sector that is the largest contributor to the national GDP, manufacturing needs to be continuously driven by close collaboration.

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