JAKARTA - The occupancy of a number of hotels in the coastal area of Anyer, Cinangka, Serang Regency, Banten, reached 100 percent on weekends or weekends. The chairman of the PHRI Serang Regency, Yurlena Rachman, in Serang, Banten, Saturday, October 14, said that the achievement of the occupancy indicates that tourism on Anyer Beach continues to increase. "Alhamdulillah, it is increasing. For visiting hotels in the Anyer Cinangka area," he said, quoted from Antara. Even so, for Sunday, it was recognized that Lena's guest visits tended to slope. Because many guests came from around Tangerang to Jakarta. "If the weekday is indeed reduced. Because many guests came during the weekend from Tangerang to Jakarta and its surroundings," he said.
Therefore, Lena said, on days, hotel managers usually rely a lot on activities from the Regional Government (Pemda) and other partners in the Serang area and its surroundings. "From local governments who are models of meetings or outings from other partners," he added. To boost tourist visits, said Lena, the managers issued their respective moves. One of them is the implementation of a discount promo for guests who come. "For example, like in Pesona Krakata or it applies a discount. The discount is enforced up to 30 percent," said Lena.
Apalagi, kata Lena Hotel Pesona memiliki view yang sangat menawan seperti berpasir putih dan pantai yang landai. Salah satu kelebihannya liburan di Pesona Krakatau seperti liburan di Tanah Lot Bali karena viewnya langsung objek wisata Karang Bolong. "Pesona juga salah satu hotel yang berfasilitas lengkap ada hotel dan ada villa. Jadi cocok banget dipakai untuk liburan company dan keluarga, belum lagi di Pesona Krakatau selalu ada promo-promo dan discount yang menarik selalu diberikan untuk memanjakan para tamunya," ujarnya.
Meanwhile, Aston Anyer manager Yani Karmila said that the increase in hotel guest visits at the Aston Anyer hotel was indeed during the weekend. "Guests staying at the Aston Anyer 100 percent hotel, we are full house today," he said. Meanwhile, he said, Aston Anyer hotel still applies a discount of up to 23 percent for every guest who makes reservations. "This October there is only a special discount promo in the anniversary of Banten 4 October which is valid until the end of this month," concluded Yani Karmila.
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