JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi revealed the success of maritime development during the administration of President Joko Widodo which has been placed for the future of Indonesia in the Peak of the 59th National Maritime Day at the VII Kupang Naval Main Base (Lantamal), East Nusa Tenggara. "Almost two periods of Presidential leadership (Joko Widodo) laid the foundation for the development of the maritime future, including the development of maritime connectivity which includes marine toll roads, energy networks, downstreaming of natural resources including marine resources, development of excellent tourist destinations, especially marine tourism," said the Minister of Transportation in his remarks in Kupang, quoted from Antara, Thursday 12 October. In front of the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono and all the invitations present at the event, Budi Karya said Indonesia's maritime direction had been directed at the right target, where maritime development would be able to lead Indonesia towards the vision of becoming a sovereign, advanced, and sustainable state.
He conveyed other developments that form the basis for the upcoming maritime development, including the determination of Indonesia's marine policy which is a general guideline for marine policy and implementation steps that are drawn up in the context of accelerating the implementation of the world maritime axis. In addition, there is a maritime load in the draft RPJMN 2025-2045. Next, Indonesia has initiated a forum for island and archipelago countries to unite and take concrete steps to overcome common challenges, especially the impact of climate change. "Lastly, the Maritime GDP as an economic indicator to monitor the results of maritime development," said Budi. He continued NTT is one of the favorite areas that President Joko Widodo often visits. National Maritime Peak Celebration in Kupang must certainly be a strategic momentum to see the many successful National Strategic Projects (PSN) in NTT and will be completed at the end of 2023 and 2024.
In the event, Acting Governor of NTT Ayodhia G L Kalake asked the Central Government to pay special attention and affirmative policies in budget planning and allocation documents which can then serve as a guide for local governments in formulating planning, budget allocation, and implementation further. Responding to the request, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya said he would convey this to President Joko Widodo. "We will convey to the President and the cabinet about budget affirmative policies," he said. The National Maritime Day peak in Kupang is celebrated with various events, including performances of dances and music, awarding and souvenirs, boat ornamental competitions from fishermen in Kupang City, as well as open-ship ships of the Republic of Indonesia.
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