
JAKARTA - Sun Life Indonesia, a company committed to providing a leading financial solution for the community, is proud to announce the launch of its newest product, the Right Sun Protection (Si Right). This innovative product is specifically designed to support a frugal living lifestyle, providing comprehensive life protection while encouraging setting aside funds for future planning and managing wise money.

Current financial trends reveal interesting facts about the younger generation, especially Gen Z and Millennials. They tend to have greater consumerism debt than the previous generation. Although they want a comfortable old age, it turns out that only 30 percent of Indonesians are aware and motivated to start investing in their retirement. This data raises a phenomenon and a trend of financial advice that encourages the concept of frugal living.

Frugal living or a lifestyle that is saving, is now becoming a phenomenon that is increasingly visible among Gen Z and Millennials. This generation responds to economic challenges more wisely, focuses on better and more efficient budget management. They choose expenses that are really needed and reduce waste.

Frugal living is not only about saving money, but also about increasing awareness of sustainability and building long-term, creating solid financial stability for the future. Sun Proper Protection (Si Right) understands the importance of financial caution and provides solutions that are in accordance with prudental living principles.Sun Proper Protection (Si Right) offers a variety of product advantages, ranging from affordable protections ranging from the price of a contemporary snack or a cup of coffee, short 5 years of payment with maximum protection of up to 20 years, as well as flexibility in determining protection options through two choices of plans that can be adapted to future goals, namely:

- TEPAT 100: A more affordable premium, life protection of up to 190 percent of the total premium paid, and the certainty of return of protection value at the end of the protection period of up to 190 percent of the total premium paid, so that it can be used for various medium-term needs such as education funds, home renovation, business expansion, and others. - TEPAT 200: A more optimal premium with more maximum benefits, life protection of up to 380 percent of the total premium paid is a solution to inheritance fund planning, besides the certainty of return of protection value at the end of the protection period of up to 190 percent of the total premium paid is an advantage of products that can be utilized as support funds for pension planning or other future planning.

Shierly Ge, Chief Agency Officer of Sun Life Indonesia, said that his party continues to be committed to providing inclusive protection solutions for Indonesian families at every stage of their lives through the presence of Sun Protection Right.

This product provides flexibility for those who apply frugal living in their financial planning through a plan choice that can be adjusted to future needs. Accompanied by its premium affordability, a long period of protection, and provides certainty of premium returns at the end of the protection period, Si Right is the right choice of life protection solutions to complement the frugal living lifestyle because the money spent doesn't just disappear," he said, Wednesday, October 11. In addition, Si Right also helps ensure the family is well maintained, even in unexpected situations. Today's young generation tends to have the view that old people are not emergency funds, children are not pension funds, and friends or relatives are not paylaters''.

In this context, Si Right is an important solution to overcome this view by providing protection and financial certainty for families, ensuring that family welfare is maintained in the midst of changing dynamics of life. "The Right one not only provides life protection, but also helps in planning pension funds from an early age and other financial planning. This is the right solution for ensuring the return of value protection. Through comprehensive protection benefits, this product provides calm of mind to customers, guaranteeing that their families will receive adequate financial support. The Right is the right step towards proper calm of benefit, guiding the present generation towards a safer and more prosperous retirement period," explained Shierly.

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