
JAKARTA - Implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) in travel navigation applications has been used for a long time, even in the context of aviation. Along with its development, AR-based navigation usage allows us to see routes and instructions displayed directly in front of the screen.

This is useful for making it easier for drivers to focus more on travel and reduce dependence on maps on screens. This technology can even be used when walking to ensure the correct direction through the GPS app. By simply pointing the application's camera in various directions, users can easily see information about the surrounding environment and the buildings they are aiming for.

Starting from this concept, one of the subsidiaries made by WIR Group, MINAR, made a breakthrough in the application of AR and Geolocation (Geolocation) simultaneously. This experience was displayed by MINAR aimed at providing a unique experience to users. The reason is, Geolocation and AR technology also has the potential as a platform for entertainment in the form of gaming, such as a game example in the search for assets (treasure hunts) or valuable objects hidden in the real world, which are often known as Geocaching. In addition, the technology used in this game is able to add an animated element that presents interactive experiences for users.

Roger Fatah, as the Head of Creative & Game Story of MINAR, said that games can be an interesting experience for users. Because it is armed with a smartphone, users can participate in finding assets when they travel somewhere, using public transportation, or while walking.

"However, keep in mind that in this treasure hunt, the rules apply 'who can he get'. Currently, the MINAR application is available in 38 big cities in Indonesia. Inside MINAR, users can collect digital currencies by looking for stones containing various types of gifts. These prizes can be exchanged for use in the virtual and real world," he explained in a written statement, Friday, October 6.

There are many innovations that can be found through AR and Geolocation technology, which includes various areas such as navigation, gaming, education, entertainment, and even rescue emergency services. Some obstacles still lie in the limitations of devices that are not yet fully affordable and easy to use in daily activities.

However, it should be noted, this is only a matter of time. As AR and Geolocation technology continues to develop, hardware will become more affordable. Thus, we hope to see more innovations that will turn our world into a more interesting, informative, and secure place in the not too distant future.

"In the merger of this technology, we see tremendous potential that is still not fully exploited. The future will certainly be more exciting thanks to the unlimited creativity of professionals in the creative technology world and hardware developers that will make access to this technology easier," Roger concluded.

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