
JAKARTA Indonesia has returned to the arrival of 27,000 tons of imported rice from Vietnam.

This rice supply is to meet the government's rice reserves (CBP) managed by the Public Logistics Affairs Agency (Perum Bulog).

"Today, after ensuring that Bulog's SPHP rice stock is maintained at PIBC with the Minister of SOEs, we will complete it by ensuring the process of loading and unloading rice from outside. Here we are loading and unloading as much as 27,000 tons. This amount will take up to 6 days," said Head of the National Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi, in a written statement, Wednesday, October 4.

Arief ensured that there would be an additional 1 million tons of rice imports.

This import is carried out to ensure that CBP can be at the level of 1.5 million tons.

"We make sure that Bulog rice as CBP will be ready at any time and later stock transfers to early 2024 will be more than 1 million tons. The President's directive is that the CBP stock in Bulog should not be less than 1 million. In fact, it is requested to continue to be increased to 1.5 to 2 million tons. Bulog stock today is secured at 1.7 million tons," said Arief.

Therefore, Arief asked the public to be calm in responding to issues around rice.

He ensured that the national rice stock owned by the government was certainly available and sufficient.

"People must always be calm, we have sufficient rice stock availability. This is part of 2 million tons as ordered by the President and will enter entirely before November," said Arief.

Furthermore, Arief explained that there had begun to be a depreciation of rice prices in PIBC after the disbursement of SPHP rice. He also said that the PIBC derivative market had also been distributed by SPHP rice.

"The President's order is that the stock in PIBC can be at 35,000. Today the rice stock is 31,000. Bulog has fulfilled it to PIBC of more than 5,000 tons from the Purchase Order (PO) of 8,000," he said.

Furthermore, Arief said, prices have also fallen by a thousand for medium rice at PIBC as of today. According to him, this is expected after the SPHP rice disbursement since mid-September.

Earlier, we also visited Rawamangun Market which is a downline from INKOPPAS and saw firsthand that the SPHP rice was available in outlets with a maximum selling price of Rp. 10,900 per kg. In the future, the distribution will continue to be added to the derivative market outside Jakarta. Of course, by collaborating with the Food Station," he concluded.

On the same occasion, the National Police's Food Task Force Kombes Pol Hermawan ensured that his party would carry out surveillance in derivative markets.

He said this was an implementation of the task as ordered by the president so that the National Police would take part in monitoring and securing national strategic foods.

Bulog's SPHP rice has been circulating to the derivative market. Of course, after arriving at the derivative market, we will carry out surveillance. Today, we are also accompanying the Head of the National Food Agency to carry out supervision from the start to the final consumer level. The price must remain the same at Rp. 10,900 per kg," explained Hermawan.

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