
JAKARTA - Along with the launch of the Indonesian carbon exchange which was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo, PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) also supports reducing carbon emissions to jointly fight the climate crisis.

PIS' real step and contribution in reducing carbon emissions was directly explained by PIS CEO Yoki Firnandi in a discussion entitled 'Decarbonize the Transport and Logistics Sectors' at the Katadata Sustainability Action for The Future Economy (SAFE) 2023 event, last Tuesday 26 September.

Yoki explained that based on data published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the world shipping industry was recorded to contribute up to 3 percent in carbon emissions. Meanwhile, the International Maritime Organization or IMO (International Maritime Organization) has also issued a roadmap for reducing world carbon emissions.

"The target is to reduce emissions by 30 percent by 2030, then gradually to 80 percent by 2040 and zero carbon emissions by 2050," said Yoki.

PIS, said Yoki, has also compiled a business roadmap that is in accordance with regulations, including to realize the Indonesian government's net zero emission target by 2060. The real steps that have been taken include the use of a dual fuel or double fuel ship that is more environmentally friendly. In addition, the application of energy efficiency technology in the PIS fleet and assets is also an important effort to suppress carbon footprint.

"PIS also has gas ships that can carry ammonia cargo, as well as ships that can carry petrochemicals and cargo in addition to oil and gas derivatives, this is proof that PIS accommodates the energy supply chain of the future," he explained.

At least, Yoki continued, there are 4 challenges in reducing emissions in the maritime logistics sector. The first is the issue of technology availability, the second is related to consumer willingness to bear costs, then the third is about access to financial funding or mobilization for industry players, and the last is certainty and clarity of regulations.

As is known, last week President Joko Widodo launched the Indonesian carbon exchange on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The President said that the existence of the Indonesian Carbon Exchange is a form of real contribution that Indonesia has efforts to deal with the impact of climate change.

"This is Indonesia's real contribution to fighting with the world against the climate crisis, against the climate change crisis, where the proceeds from this trade will be re-invested in efforts to protect the environment, especially through reducing carbon emissions," said President Jokowi.

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