JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said not all state-owned companies would carry out office activities in the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara.
Furthermore, Erick said, only the Ministry of SOEs will move to IKN Nusantara. Meanwhile, its business units will be distributed in several strategic areas or in accordance with the initial history of the company's establishment.
"If the Ministry office does (transfer to IKN), but if the BUMN (company) itself goes forward, I hope we will map the growth rather than of course SOEs, we can see various provinces that have history," he said at the Ministry of SOEs, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, September 27.
Regarding the relocation of state-owned offices to various regions, Erick said it was still in the study and mapping stage. So it is not yet known which companies will be distributed to several regions in Indonesia.
Erick said, the results of the study will later be included in the blueprint or blueprint of the Ministry of SOEs. For example, continued Erick, the head office of PT Pertamina (Persero) can be moved to Balikpapan.
Erick explained that this area could be an option because East Kalimantan (Kaltim) has a historical relationship or area that is considered to be able to strengthen the company's investment in the oil and natural gas (oil and gas) sector.
Furthermore, Erick said, this choice was based on the fact that natural resources were very abundant in the eastern region.
"It could be Pertamina to Balikpapan because there is indeed a lot of investment in Balikpapan. Mining could be in Eastern Indonesia," he said.
According to Erick, moving SOE offices will have a positive impact on economic growth and regional income.
"So that tax payments, the distribution of BUMN results can also be felt in various provinces," he said.
"But in Jakarta alone there are still many BUMN offices such as financials, banks, it is impossible to move, it is in Jakarta," he continued.
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