
PT PLN (Persero) appealed to the public and their customers to be aware of all forms of fraud on behalf of PLN.

PLN's Executive Vice President of Corporate & TJSL Communications, Gregorius Adi Trianto said, for customer safety, PLN provides all services centrally through the PLN Mobile application.

"We urge the public to be careful of offers or parties on behalf of PLN and ask for a number of fees or payments," said Gregorius, Tuesday, August 29.

He explained that recently there has been widespread fraud with various modes, such as downloading certain applications, surveys with prizes to services claiming PLN officers who came to the house and then asking for costs outside the provisions.

Gregorius emphasized that PLN has never collected service fees other than those listed in the application and all payment transactions are currently centralized through digital systems through Payment Point Online Bank (PPOB).

The latest mode, he said, was that there were parties claiming to be PLN officers and attaching evidence of changing customer ID numbers to be later paid off by customers. PLN ensures that the party is not from PLN.

"Because, all complaints and customer needs can be resolved through PLN Mobile through registration numbers in accordance with the type of electricity service requested by customers," said Gregorius.

Gregorius emphasized that PLN has never offered door-to-door services to customers, such as replacing kWh meters, selling kWh meter boxes or new installations with direct payment transactions at customers' homes.

"PLN officers do not ask for fees for the services provided directly, all payment transactions through the PPOB system, there is no payment at the customer's house," he said.

To prevent fraud, Gregorius appealed to the public to pay attention to the completeness of the attributes of PLN's official officers.

According to him, PLN officers are always provided with a letter of assignment, using identification, personal protective equipment (PPE) and work uniforms while on duty.

He continued, if in the field the community finds people who claim to be PLN officers and ask for payments on the spot, the public should not hesitate to report them through PLN Mobile or PLN 123 Contact Center.

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