
Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan opened his voice about the government's discourse to increase the amount of incentives for converting electric vehicles from the previous Rp7 million to Rp10 million.

This was previously disclosed by the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil after attending a coordination meeting with the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Luhut explained that this was not true.

"Not really," said Luhut to the media at the Kemenkomarves Office quoted on Saturday, August 19.

However, Luhut said that there was indeed an encouragement from President Joko Widodo to increase conversion incentives for DKI Jakarta residents.

"But if DKI is the president, encourage if you can provide more incentives, please," explained Luhut.

Meanwhile, regarding the incentives for electric vehicles, Luhut explained that this was appropriate and there had been an agreement regarding finance and was just waiting for the Presidential Regulation (Perpres).

"So we just have to wait for the Presidential Decree," added Luhut.

Previously, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil revealed that there was a government discourse to increase the incentive to convert electric motorcycles from IDR 7 million to IDR 10 million.

Ridwan explained that this proposal appeared in a coordination meeting to anticipate air pollution chaired by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Friday, August 18.

He added that the discourse on increasing the amount of this incentive is to encourage the use of electric vehicles so that they can reduce pollution from fueled fuel vehicles.

"Strengthening electric vehicles, there is an incentive discourse from Rp. 7 million to Rp. 10 million for electric motors and conversions," said Ridwan Kamil, Friday, August 18.

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