
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has optimized the production of sparkfish seeds to support cultivators productivity in South Kalimantan.

"In order for the production of stretched fish, one of the main points is cultivation in accordance with the rules of Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) or Good Fish Cultivation Methods (CBIB) and Good Fish Improvement Practices (CPIB)," said Director General of Aquaculture KKP Tb Haeru Rahayu quoted from the KKP official website, Saturday, August 12.

He said snakehead fish have high economic value, and the market is relatively open. Most of the people of South Kalimantan like to eat these freshwater fish. "Assistance to the community who cultivate sparkfish continues to be carried out regularly. The most important thing is that the KKP will continue to support the supply of quality seeds through the arrangement of the seed logistics system at the cultivation production center," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Aquaculture Center for Fresh Water (BPBAT) Mandiangin Evalawati said that the production of emotional seeds is still being accelerated to support cultivators in their working areas.

In addition to seeds, said Evalawati, other forms of support provided to cultivators, namely technical guidance on fishery cultivation, as well as assistance for facilities and infrastructure to support fish treatment activities.

"In 2023, the target is to grant 66,315 stepping fish, with a production target of around 316,000 heads. An increase compared to 2022, and a distribution of 51,000 seeds with a total production of 293,250," he said.

Evalawati explained that the quality seed and prospective parent assistance was also disbursed in order to support the increase in the production of aquaculture and increase the stock of fish resources in the waters.

One of the beneficiaries of the handover of handicraft fish seeds, Rahmat Bunyi, admitted that he was very happy to receive the seed assistance of sparked fish from BPBAT Mandiangin.

According to Rahmat, the seeds of the stimulated hook fish show a rapid growth rate compared to the seeds produced by the motherhead fish from nature. In addition, the life graduation rate of the knitted fish seeds from the KKP is also high.

He assessed that the low level of graduation of the seeds produced from natural mothers was because the seeds were difficult to adapt to the environment or the food provided. This is different from the seeds of sparking emotion from BPBAT Mandiangin which are more adaptive and easy to accept pellet feed.

"So, the assistance of snakehead seeds provided by the government is very helpful. Moreover, for efforts to cultivate snakehead fish, this is very good," he said.

Previously, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono encouraged his staff to continue to develop the potential for local fish cultivation, including tekanhead fish as has been done at BPBAT Mandiangin.

Because, apart from having high economic value, it is also in line with the KKP's vision to build competitive and sustainable marine and fisheries for the welfare of the community.

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