
YOGYAKARTA - Issuers are a common term in the investment world, which investors must understand. But for people who are not struggling in the world's capital market, the term may sound foreign. So what does it emit and what does it do?

Issuers are a term for individuals or companies (privates and governments) that sell securities in the capital market. The effects offered by issuers can be of various types, ranging from shares, debt recognition letters, bonds, commercial securities, proof of debt, and others. So if you want to invest, you need to know what issuers are and their uses are.

Issuer is a term that refers to an individual that offers an effect on the community. Based on the page, issuers are those who conduct public offerings, namely the offer of securities made by issuers to sell securities to the public based on the procedures regulated in the applicable laws and regulations.

There are several parties that can be referred to as issuers, namely individuals, associations, companies, joint businesses, or organized groups. So it can be interpreted that issuers are private companies or SOEs that seek capital through stock exchange effects. Usually people know issuers as companies that sell their shares in the capital market.

Companies become issuers or trade their effects on the capital market, of course not without reason. Issuers as a door that opens opportunities for companies or business owners to be able to get additional capital. In addition, issuers also provide opportunities for people to invest in order to gain profits in the future.

The main function of issuers is to offer securities to the public. Issuers are also responsible for professionally managing investor-owned funds or capital. This accountability is proven in the form of the release of issuer financial reports per quarter.

The opening of the effects offered by issuers provides opportunities for anyone who wants to invest. Later investors who buy shares in an issuer will get a share ownership of the company. Investors can also get dividends from a company.

There are several goals for issuers in emission which is usually determined through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). The following are a number of issuers' goals:

Not all companies can be called issuers. The term issuer is intended for companies that sell securities in the capital market. However, to be able to take the floor on the moda market, there are a number of requirements that must be met.

The following are the terms for companies that want to become issuers:

Offerings of securities to be offered and traded in the capital market.

Companies as issuers need to guarantee that the effects it will issue are legal and legal.

Companies need to provide more complete information and can be accounted for.

In addition to the several things above, there are several documents that must be prepared and submitted as requirements for the registration of issuers, including:

Demikianlah review apa itu emiten dan fungiannya bagi pemilik efek maupun investor. Di Indonesia sudah banyak perusahaan emiten yang menjual efeknya ke publik Misalnya jika Anda mencari perusahaan emiten BUMN, ada PT Antara Tambang Tbk (ANTM) dan PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BBNI).

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