
JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif inaugurated Middle High Leadership Officials within the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Arifin inaugurated Dadan Kusdiana as Secretary General, Yudo Dwinanda Priadi as Director General of New, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation (EBTKE), Bambang Suswantono as Akhmad Syakhroza as Expert Staff for Natural Resources Economics.

"I congratulate you brothers who have just been inaugurated, with the hope that the leadership trust given to you can be carried out and carried out properly," said Arifin, Monday, July 31.

Arifin also advised Madya High Officials to immediately coordinate the priority tasks of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and accelerate the priority of the performance targets of each unit.

"I want Madya High Leadership officials to understand the various challenges that will be faced and at the same time be able to answer the challenge itself. Every official must be tough and not give up easily in facing challenges, but must also be able to move agilely in carrying out their duties professionally," he said.

To Secretary General Dadan Kusdiana, Arifin advised the Secretary General to coordinate, embrace, and continue to build and strengthen internal consolidation.

"Including the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and also with stakeholders in the ESDM sector. The Secretary General is also asked to coordinate the 2024 budget process while still prioritizing activities that are beneficial to the community, including infrastructure," he added.

Then, to the Director General of EBTKE Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi, Arifin advised to continue to oversee Indonesia's interests in various International Forums, such as the G20 in India and COP 28 in the United Arab Emirates, to gain wider access to clean energy technology and low funding from all sources of financing for the implementation of the energy transition.

"In addition, it also oversees the Net Zero Emission roadmap for the Indonesian energy sector in 2060 as part of the global community in climate change mitigation actions. And continue to improve the achievement of the EBTKE sector, one of which is increasing EBT penetration to achieve the 23 percent EBT target by 2025," continued Arifin.

Furthermore, to Inspector General Bambang Suswantono, Arifin asked to always maintain and carry out internal supervision within the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and oversee the use of the APBN budget for the 2023 fiscal year.

"Implement good risk management so as to be able to minimize potential failures to the achievement program targets that have been set, especially the achievement targets that include the National Strategic Program," said Arifin.

Arifin also advised the Expert Staff of the Minister for the Economy of Natural Resources Akhmad Syakhroza to provide input and thoughts in the economic and natural resources sector so that they can bring the ESDM sector to a better direction.

"In the end, it contributes to economic growth and community welfare," said Arifin.

Arifin also expressed his gratitude to Rida Mulyana, Ridwan Djamaluddin, and Sampe L Purba for entering the full term of service.

"To Brother Rida Mulyana, Brother Ridwan Djamaludin and Brother Sampe Purba who have entered retirement, we would like to express our gratitude for your dedication, dedication and contribution to the Government, nation and state for more than 30 years. Enjoy living together with family, may health always be given," concluded Arifin.

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