
KENDARI - Area Manager Communication, Relation & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi Fahrougi Andriani Sumampouw said that his party will continue to monitor 3 Kg LPG agents and bases in Regency / City in Southeast Sulawesi so that they are right on target.

"Pertamina's monitoring form for the price has reached the agent and base level, for prices at retail traders, an integrated surveillance team from the Regional Government and Law Enforcement Apparatus is needed to monitor and take firm action against individuals who sell 3 kg LPG outside the Highest Retail Price (HET)," said Fahrougi.

Fahrougi added, for tube base entrepreneurs to sell tubes to end consumers according to the set price.

"We invite entrepreneurs of 3 kg LPG gas cylinder bases to be more assertive and disciplined in selling and distributing tubes so that they are right on target, especially for the community and small MSME players who really need it," he said, as quoted from Antara, Saturday, July 29.

Pertamina will take firm action against agents and bases that sell prices outside of HET. As is known, Based on the letter of the Director General of Oil and Gas no.B-7140 / MG.05 / DMO / 2022 dated August 17, 2022 regarding the Limitation of the 3 Kg LPG Tube Sub Distribution Quota.

There are still LPG distributors/agents whose bases distribute LPG more than 20 percent to sub-distributors, which should be directly to final consumers so that this makes prices in final consumers in several locations rise.

Pertamina through agents conducts subsidy monitoring right to the base to ensure a minimum distribution of 80 percent to final consumers. Of course Pertamina will take firm action against agents who do not follow applicable regulatory standards.

If people still find unreasonable prices or need information about products, they can contact Pertamina Call Center 135.

In addition to monitoring prices, Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi also conducts field visits to several bases related to the smooth distribution of subsidized 3 kg LPG and will at the same time increase stock from normal averages.

"Stok di beberapa base LPG 3 kg di Kabupaten Kolaka, Konawe Utara, Konawe Selatan dan Kota Kendari, stoknya masih aman. Namun kami melihat adanya permintaan yang meningkat di masyarakat, untuk itu pasokan akan ditambah fakultif sebanyak 60.816 tabung LPG 3 Kg atau 50 persen dari rata-rata harian normal, kata Sales Area Manager Retail Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi Muhammad Faruq.

He said the purpose of this review was to see the conditions at the base whether there was a shortage of 3 kg LPG availability or not.

According to Faruq, facultative additions were made to meet the needs of the community, namely areas such as Kolaka, Konawe, North Konawe Regencies, Bombana, East Kolaka, North Kolaka, South Konawe, Konawe Islands and Kendari City.

"Of course we still hope that the community will remain calm and not buy up. We convey that the data collection and matching stage is currently at the data level with the aim that the distribution of LPG 3 Kg is right on target," said Faruq.

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