
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, and Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah inaugurated the Bengkulu-Taba Tanjung Toll Road in Bengkulu City, today.

Jokowi said the 16.7 km Bengkulu-Taba Tanjung Toll Road was built with a budget of IDR 4.8 trillion, and is part of the Bengkulu Toll Road section to Lubuk Linggau for 95.8 km. The source of development costs comes from Government Capital Participation (PMN) through the Assignment Scheme.

"Alhamdulillah, this morning, the Bengkulu-Taba Tanjung Toll Road will operate and this can support logistics mobility, people's mobility, and will create new economic growth points," he said in his official statement, Thursday, July 20.

President Jokowi hopes that this toll road will accelerate economic growth. In addition, Bengkulu's competitiveness is also expected to increase. "We hope that this can improve the welfare of the community, because Bengkulu's competitiveness will definitely improve better," he said.

On the same occasion, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said, for Section 1 Lubuk Linggau-Kepaiang for 54.5 km and Section 2 Kepahiang-Taba Penanjung for 24.6 km, currently in the preparation stage. "It is preparing and being worked on in the near future, the construction will begin," said Minister Basuki.

The Lubuk Linggau-Curup-Bengkulu Toll Road itself has a total length of 95.8 km which is divided into 3 sections and 2 intersections. The amount of investment costs is IDR 37.61 trillion.

Section 3 of Taba Penanjung-Bengkulu managed by the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) PT Hutama Karya (Persero) since 2019 has undergone a Functional Feasibility Test (ULF) in April 2022, and has been in operation since January 12, 2023.

The Lubuk Linggau-Curup-Bengkulu toll road will cross South Sumatra Province to Bumi Raflesia, which is one of the fins of the main section (backbone) of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road which is planned to connect Palembang-Lubuk Linggau and Bengkulu cities in West Sumatra.

The presence of the Lubuk Linggau-Curup-Bengkulu toll road which stretches between forest and hilly areas, is also expected to encourage the growth of new economic centers, including towards Baai Port and the area around the toll road on/off ramp.

One of Bengkulu residents named Gulam, who works as a rental car driver, said the Bengkulu-Taba Penjung Toll Road has helped speed up travel time. "Usually from Bengkulu to Taba Penanjung can be 45 minutes, now it's enough 15 minutes," he said.

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