JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is preparing a Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) Public Service Agency (BLU) on toll roads.
MLFF is a contactless or cardless cashless toll payment system.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said this BLU would only be formed after Government Regulation (PP) was issued.
"We will see first complete the PP to be able to operate the BLU," he told the media during the inauguration of the Cisumdawu Sumedang Toll Road, Tuesday, July 11.
Currently, the Government Regulation has entered the stage of harmonization at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM).
Basuki added, after the MLFF trial on the Bali-Mandara Toll Road on June 1, 2023 was delayed, his party is currently discussing internal trials with PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System (RITS) as the implementing business entity (BUP).
"Currently it is being discussed internally with them at the BUP and will reschedule the right date to prepare the schedule," he added.
Regarding the issuance of the PP, Basuki hopes to be published in the near future.
"Hopefully this 1 or 2 months will be finished because it is already in Kumham," continued Basuki.
He ensured that the MLFF trial could be carried out this year
"God willing. December is still a few months away," concluded Basuki.
MLFF itself is the latest technology in the world that processes payments automatically for vehicles passing on toll roads.
Through this technology toll road users can enter and leave without having to stop to pay.
This is possible because MLFF uses System Satellite Global Navigation (GNSS) technology, a system that allows transactions through applications on mobile phones and reads via satellite, so that readers' tools on every place on toll roads such as RFID-based technology provide more effective cost solutions.
The GNSS technology will read the Electronic On-Board Unit device, also known as the E-OBU installed in the car and must be activated by toll road users. So, when the vehicle enters the toll road, it will automatically send data to the system center.
The use of MLFF has enormous benefits because it can eliminate queue times to zero seconds. It is hoped that congestion at toll gates that we have often seen, will no longer exist.
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