
Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani conveyed the Principles of Government Information regarding the Bill on Accountability for the Implementation of the State Budget (P2 APBN) for Fiscal Year 2022, at the DPR Plenary Meeting today.

According to the Minister of Finance, this bill document was submitted in the form of the 2022 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP) which had been examined by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

In accordance with the provisions of the legislation, the 2022 LKPP consists of seven components of the report, namely the State Budget Realization Report, the Budget Balance Change Report, the Balance, Operational Reports, Cash Flow Reports, Equity Change Reports, and Notes on Financial Reports, accompanied by the Summary of State Company Financial Reports and Other Bodies.

"In the State Budget Realization Report, it is explained that the realization of State Revenue reached Rp2,635.8 trillion, consisting of Tax Revenue of Rp2,034.5 trillion, Non-Tax State Revenue of Rp595.6 trillion, and Grant Revenue of Rp5.7 trillion," he said Tuesday, July 11.

The Minister of Finance explained that the realization of state revenue exceeded the target set in the 2022 State Budget, which was 116.31 percent or grew 31.05 percent compared to the realization in 2021.

The high achievement of state revenue shows a very strong recovery and rebound, both from tax revenues and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP). The performance of the country's revenue is in line with the increase in tax ratio from 9.12 percent in 2021 to 10.39 percent in 2022, which is the highest achievement in the last 7 years.

Then, the realization of state spending in 2022 reached IDR 3,096.3 trillion or 99.67 percent of the 2022 State Budget ceiling. The realization of state expenditures consisted of Central Government Expenditures of IDR 2,280.0 trillion and Transfers to Regions and Village Funds of IDR 816.2 trillion. The realization of state spending increased by IDR 309.8 trillion or 11.12 percent from the realization of the previous year.

This is in line with the APBN's strategy as a shock absorber to protect the economy and society, from the risk of global economic uncertainty, and maintaining the momentum of economic recovery after the pandemic.

The Minister of Finance added, based on the realization of state revenue and the realization of state spending, there is a budget deficit of IDR 460.4 trillion. The realization of the 2022 budget deficit is at the level of 2.35 percent of GDP. This deficit is lower than the APBN target of 4.69 percent and also smaller than the 2021 deficit, which is 4.57 percent of GDP.

Furthermore, the realization of 2022 financing amounted to Rp590.9 trillion or 70.34 percent of what was planned in the APBN amounting to Rp840.2 trillion. The financing consists of domestic financing of Rp563.8 trillion and foreign financing of Rp27.1 trillion. In addition to closing the deficit, 2022 financing is also used for Government investments in BUMN and BLU, in the context of accelerating infrastructure development and improving the quality of human resources. "We also appreciate that we also convey to the DPR and BPK which have provided a lot of input and recommendations that are beneficial for improving state financial governance both in the previous period, currently and in the future," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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